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Solar and wind capacity factors by year, region and cluster


  resource = "sol",
  nreg = 5,
  year = 2019,
  tol = 0.05,
  data = "merra2",
  data_file = "merra_raw_{year}.fst",
  clusters_file = "locid_{resource}_cl_r{nreg}.RData",
  tsl_format = "d365_h24",
  load_from_extra = TRUE,
  save_to_extra = TRUE,
  overwrite = FALSE



character, name of the resource: "sol" or "win"


integer, the number of regions


integer, the year of the data to return


numeric, the tolerance of the information loss in the clustering from 0 to 1. If 0 the number of clusters is equal to the number of locations in MERRA2 database. When tol is 1, there is only one cluster per region.


character, the name of the data source, the directory in the ideea_extra directory. Currently only "merra2" is supported.


character, the name of the file with the raw data in the data sub-directory in ideea_extra. Default is "merra_raw_year.fst", valid for MERRA2 data.


character, the name of the file with the clusters in the data directory. Default is "locid_resource_cl_rnreg.RData", available in ideea_data.


character, the format of the time-slices. Default is "d365_h24". If changed, the clustering will be done based on the new time-slices.


logical, if TRUE, the function will try to read the capacity factors from the file in the data sub-directory in ideea_extra. If the file with requested parameters exists, it will be read. If the file doesn't exist, the function will calculate the capacity factors. Default is TRUE.


logical, if TRUE, the function will save the estimated capacity factors to the file in the data sub-directory in ideea_extra. Default is TRUE.


logical, if TRUE, the function will overwrite the existing file with the capacity factors. Default is FALSE.


data.table, the capacity factors for the requested year by region, cluster, and time-slice. The data.table contains the following columns:

  • locid - the location ID from the MERRA2 database,

  • year - the year of the data,

  • slice - the time-slice,

  • cluster - the cluster ID,

  • reg{nreg} and reg{nreg}_off - the region ID and the offshore region ID,

  • wcf_* or scf_* - the capacity factor for the wind or solar resource at the given height or tracking type.


# don't run
# default tolerance level (0.05)
get_ideea_cf(resource = "sol", nreg = 5, year = 2019)
#> Reading capacity factors data from:
#>    D:/Dropbox/projects/ideea_extra//merra2/cf_sol_r5_TOL05_d365_h24_2019.fst 
#>    Maximum number of clusters per region: 3 
#>          year    slice   reg5  reg5_off cluster scf_fh scf_fl scf_tl scf_td
#>         <num>   <char> <char>    <char>   <int>  <num>  <num>  <num>  <num>
#>      1:  2019 d001_h00   EAST      EAST       1      0      0      0      0
#>      2:  2019 d001_h00   EAST  EAST_off       1      0      0      0      0
#>      3:  2019 d001_h00   EAST  EAST_off       2      0      0      0      0
#>      4:  2019 d001_h00  NORTH     NORTH       1      0      0      0      0
#>      5:  2019 d001_h00  NORTH     NORTH       2      0      0      0      0
#>     ---                                                                    
#> 105116:  2019 d365_h23  SOUTH     SOUTH       1      0      0      0      0
#> 105117:  2019 d365_h23  SOUTH SOUTH_off       1      0      0      0      0
#> 105118:  2019 d365_h23  SOUTH SOUTH_off       2      0      0      0      0
#> 105119:  2019 d365_h23   WEST      WEST       1      0      0      0      0
#> 105120:  2019 d365_h23   WEST  WEST_off       1      0      0      0      0
get_ideea_cf(resource = "sol", nreg = 32, year = 2019)
#> Reading capacity factors data from:
#>    D:/Dropbox/projects/ideea_extra//merra2/cf_sol_r32_TOL05_d365_h24_2019.fst 
#>    Maximum number of clusters per region: 2 
#>          year    slice  reg32 reg32_off cluster scf_fh scf_fl scf_tl scf_td
#>         <num>   <char> <char>    <char>   <int>  <num>  <num>  <num>  <num>
#>      1:  2019 d001_h00     AN        AN       1      0      0      0      0
#>      2:  2019 d001_h00     AN    AN_off       1      0      0      0      0
#>      3:  2019 d001_h00    APY       APY       1      0      0      0      0
#>      4:  2019 d001_h00    APY   APY_off       1      0      0      0      0
#>      5:  2019 d001_h00     AR        AR       1      0      0      0      0
#>     ---                                                                    
#> 385436:  2019 d365_h23     TR        TR       1      0      0      0      0
#> 385437:  2019 d365_h23     UP        UP       1      0      0      0      0
#> 385438:  2019 d365_h23     UT        UT       1      0      0      0      0
#> 385439:  2019 d365_h23     WB        WB       1      0      0      0      0
#> 385440:  2019 d365_h23     WB    WB_off       1      0      0      0      0

get_ideea_cf(resource = "win", nreg = 5, year = 2019)
#> Reading capacity factors data from:
#>    D:/Dropbox/projects/ideea_extra//merra2/cf_win_r5_TOL05_d365_h24_2019.fst 
#>    Maximum number of clusters per region: 40 
#>          year    slice   reg5 reg5_off cluster wcf_50m wcf_100m wcf_150m
#>         <num>   <char> <char>   <char>   <int>   <num>    <num>    <num>
#>      1:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       1   0.057    0.068    0.074
#>      2:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       2   0.006    0.017    0.026
#>      3:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       3   0.001    0.003    0.006
#>      4:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       4   0.063    0.115    0.159
#>      5:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       5   0.073    0.207    0.346
#>     ---                                                                 
#> 981116:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off       2   0.107    0.120    0.128
#> 981117:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off       3   0.034    0.040    0.043
#> 981118:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off       4   0.163    0.187    0.203
#> 981119:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off       5   0.154    0.223    0.272
#> 981120:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off       6   0.230    0.282    0.317
get_ideea_cf(resource = "win", nreg = 32, year = 2019)
#> Reading capacity factors data from:
#>    D:/Dropbox/projects/ideea_extra//merra2/cf_win_r32_TOL05_d365_h24_2019.fst 
#>    Maximum number of clusters per region: 12 
#>           year    slice  reg32 reg32_off cluster wcf_50m wcf_100m wcf_150m
#>          <num>   <char> <char>    <char>   <int>   <num>    <num>    <num>
#>       1:  2019 d001_h00     AN        AN       1   0.051    0.058    0.062
#>       2:  2019 d001_h00     AN        AN       2   0.058    0.070    0.077
#>       3:  2019 d001_h00     AN    AN_off       1   0.045    0.052    0.056
#>       4:  2019 d001_h00     AN    AN_off       2   0.075    0.085    0.091
#>       5:  2019 d001_h00     AN    AN_off       3   0.050    0.056    0.061
#>      ---                                                                  
#> 1086236:  2019 d365_h23    TNY   TNY_off       7   0.241    0.280    0.305
#> 1086237:  2019 d365_h23     UP        UP       1   0.037    0.096    0.155
#> 1086238:  2019 d365_h23     UP        UP       2   0.000    0.000    0.000
#> 1086239:  2019 d365_h23     WB        WB       1   0.017    0.040    0.057
#> 1086240:  2019 d365_h23     WB    WB_off       1   0.013    0.016    0.018

# custom tolerance level (0.01)
get_ideea_cf(resource = "sol", nreg = 5, tol = 0.01, year = 2019)
#> Reading capacity factors data from:
#>    D:/Dropbox/projects/ideea_extra//merra2/cf_sol_r5_TOL01_d365_h24_2019.fst 
#>    Maximum number of clusters per region: 50 
#>           year    slice   reg5 reg5_off cluster scf_fh scf_fl scf_tl scf_td
#>          <num>   <char> <char>   <char>   <int>  <num>  <num>  <num>  <num>
#>       1:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       1      0      0      0      0
#>       2:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       2      0      0      0      0
#>       3:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       3      0      0      0      0
#>       4:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       4      0      0      0      0
#>       5:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       5      0      0      0      0
#>      ---                                                                   
#> 1839596:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off       7      0      0      0      0
#> 1839597:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off       8      0      0      0      0
#> 1839598:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off       9      0      0      0      0
#> 1839599:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off      10      0      0      0      0
#> 1839600:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off      11      0      0      0      0
get_ideea_cf(resource = "sol", nreg = 32, tol = 0.01, year = 2019)
#> Reading capacity factors data from:
#>    D:/Dropbox/projects/ideea_extra//merra2/cf_sol_r32_TOL01_d365_h24_2019.fst 
#>    Maximum number of clusters per region: 18 
#>           year    slice  reg32 reg32_off cluster scf_fh scf_fl scf_tl scf_td
#>          <num>   <char> <char>    <char>   <int>  <num>  <num>  <num>  <num>
#>       1:  2019 d001_h00     AN        AN       1      0      0      0      0
#>       2:  2019 d001_h00     AN        AN       2      0      0      0      0
#>       3:  2019 d001_h00     AN        AN       3      0      0      0      0
#>       4:  2019 d001_h00     AN    AN_off       1      0      0      0      0
#>       5:  2019 d001_h00     AN    AN_off       2      0      0      0      0
#>      ---                                                                    
#> 2154956:  2019 d365_h23     WB        WB       2      0      0      0      0
#> 2154957:  2019 d365_h23     WB        WB       3      0      0      0      0
#> 2154958:  2019 d365_h23     WB        WB       4      0      0      0      0
#> 2154959:  2019 d365_h23     WB        WB       5      0      0      0      0
#> 2154960:  2019 d365_h23     WB    WB_off       1      0      0      0      0

get_ideea_cf(resource = "win", nreg = 5, tol = 0.01, year = 2019)
#> Reading capacity factors data from:
#>    D:/Dropbox/projects/ideea_extra//merra2/cf_win_r5_TOL01_d365_h24_2019.fst 
#>    Maximum number of clusters per region: 150 
#>           year    slice   reg5 reg5_off cluster wcf_50m wcf_100m wcf_150m
#>          <num>   <char> <char>   <char>   <int>   <num>    <num>    <num>
#>       1:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       1   0.051    0.058    0.062
#>       2:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       2   0.070    0.084    0.093
#>       3:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       3   0.005    0.007    0.008
#>       4:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       4   0.001    0.004    0.005
#>       5:  2019 d001_h00   EAST     EAST       5   0.003    0.014    0.030
#>      ---                                                                 
#> 5352356:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off      71   0.337    0.381    0.411
#> 5352357:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off      72   0.349    0.429    0.479
#> 5352358:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off      73   0.362    0.683    0.874
#> 5352359:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off      74   0.456    0.846    0.975
#> 5352360:  2019 d365_h23   WEST WEST_off      75   0.440    0.880    0.989
get_ideea_cf(resource = "win", nreg = 32, tol = 0.01, year = 2019)
#> Reading capacity factors data from:
#>    D:/Dropbox/projects/ideea_extra//merra2/cf_win_r32_TOL01_d365_h24_2019.fst 
#>    Maximum number of clusters per region: 75 
#>           year    slice  reg32 reg32_off cluster wcf_50m wcf_100m wcf_150m
#>          <num>   <char> <char>    <char>   <int>   <num>    <num>    <num>
#>       1:  2019 d001_h00     AN        AN       1   0.051    0.058    0.062
#>       2:  2019 d001_h00     AN        AN       2   0.070    0.084    0.093
#>       3:  2019 d001_h00     AN        AN       3   0.005    0.007    0.008
#>       4:  2019 d001_h00     AN    AN_off       1   0.019    0.022    0.023
#>       5:  2019 d001_h00     AN    AN_off       2   0.022    0.027    0.030
#>      ---                                                                  
#> 5562596:  2019 d365_h23     WB    WB_off       3   0.010    0.010    0.010
#> 5562597:  2019 d365_h23     WB    WB_off       4   0.012    0.015    0.018
#> 5562598:  2019 d365_h23     WB    WB_off       5   0.016    0.022    0.025
#> 5562599:  2019 d365_h23     WB    WB_off       6   0.009    0.013    0.015
#> 5562600:  2019 d365_h23     WB    WB_off       7   0.022    0.051    0.071