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tmz <- "Asia/Kolkata" # model timezone
baseYear <- 2019 # model base year
# modYears <- c(baseYear + c(0, 2), seq(2025, 2060, by = 5)) # model years
# weaYears <- 2019 # weather years (from MERRA-2)

# Currency conversion
INR_Crore_2_USD <- 136825.20 # Google converter, Jan 13, 2021
INR_2_USD <- INR_Crore_2_USD / 1e7
INR_Crore_2_MUSD <- INR_Crore_2_USD/1e6 
INR_Lakh_2_MUSD <- INR_Crore_2_MUSD/100
ideea_sf <- get_ideea_map(nreg = 32, offshore = FALSE, ROW = FALSE, rename = TRUE)
karnataka_sf <- ideea_sf[ideea_sf$region == "KA", ]

plot(ideea_sf["region"], col = NA, reset = F, main = "Karnataka")
plot(karnataka_sf["region"], col = "red", add = T)

Weather classes

Wind (by resource class)

# generating capacity
gen_cap <- ideea_data$karnataka$capacity_MW
# wind capacity factors
wind_cf <- ideea_data$karnataka$wind_cf
# wind and solar average potential estimates
merra_CF_mean <- ideea_data$karnataka$merra_CF_mean
# wind_loc_sf <- ideea_data$karnataka$wind_loc_sf

(wind_120m <- unique(merra_CF_mean$af120m_class))
#> [1] "AF20" "AF25" "AF15" "AF30" "AF35"
ww <- merra_CF_mean$af120m_class %in% wind_120m
ggplot(karnataka_sf) +
    fill = "wheat",
    colour = "white", alpha = 1, size = .5, show.legend = F
  ) + 
  theme_void() +
  # ggplot(merra_CF_mean[ww,]) +
  geom_tile(aes(lon, lat, fill = af120m),
    data = merra_CF_mean,
    inherit.aes = F, alpha = .75, show.legend = T
  ) +
    palette = "YlGnBu", name = "CF 120m", direction = 1,
    limits = c(0.1, NA), na.value = "grey70"
  ) +
  geom_tile(aes(lon, lat),
    data = merra_CF_mean[ww, ], 
    colour = "red", fill = NA,
    inherit.aes = F, show.legend = T
  ) +
  geom_sf(fill = NA, colour = "grey", alpha = 1, size = .5, 
          data = karnataka_sf) + 
  geom_point(aes(lon, lat, size = capacity_mw),
             colour = "red",
             data = ideea_data$karnataka$wind_loc_sf, 
             inherit.aes = FALSE) +
    title = "Wind capacity factors and installed capacity in Karnataka"
    # subtitle = "Wind resource classes and potential locations",
    # caption = "Source: MERRA-2, WRI, IDEEA"

  # theme_ideea_map()

# Create weather-class for every AF-type of the resource
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#> 0.01405 0.21568 0.36705 0.35481 0.47791 0.75000
WWIN_120m <- newRepository("WWIN_120m")
for (i in wind_120m) {
  ii <- wind_cf$af120m_class == i
  WWIN_i <- newWeather(
    name = paste0("WWIN_", i),
    # desc = "",
    # unit = "kWh/kWh_max",
    timeframe = "HOUR",
    weather = data.frame(
      # region = as.character(),
      # year = merra_CF_mean$mYear[ii],
      slice = wind_cf$slice[ii],
      wval = wind_cf$wcf_120m[ii] 
  WWIN_120m <- add(WWIN_120m, WWIN_i)
#> [1] "WWIN_AF20" "WWIN_AF25" "WWIN_AF15" "WWIN_AF30" "WWIN_AF35"

Solar (regional average)

# solar average capacity factors
solar_cf <- ideea_data$karnataka$solar_cf

# Create weather-class for solar resource (average)
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#> 0.00000 0.00000 0.01139 0.24138 0.48715 1.00000
WSOL_mean <- newWeather(
  name = "WSOL",
  # desc = "",
  # unit = "kWh/kWh_max",
  timeframe = "HOUR",
  weather = data.frame(
    slice = solar_cf$slice,
    wval = solar_cf$scf 

# gen_cap$cap_MW[grepl("Solar", gen_cap$enSource)] / 1e3 *
#   sum(merra_sol_mean$afsol)

Hydro (reservoirs inflows)

# Inflow and discharge data of reservoirs
w_hyd <- ideea_data$karnataka$reservoir |>
  filter(year(datetime) %in% baseYear) %>%
  mutate(date = as_date(datetime)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::select(-datetime) %>%
  mutate(slice = dtm2tsl(date, format = "d365"))
w_hyd[c(1, nrow(w_hyd)),] # accumulated energy -first and last days of the year
#>    DISCHARGE_MU EQENERGY_MU INFLOW_MU       date  slice
#>           <num>       <num>     <num>     <Date> <char>
#> 1:    -28.19596    6133.078  2.625201 2019-01-01   d001
#> 2:    -33.75062    7136.870  8.159480 2019-12-31   d365
sum(w_hyd$INFLOW_MU) # total inflow
#> [1] 9773.639
sum(w_hyd$DISCHARGE_MU) # total discharge (!some days are missing in the data-Adjusting Coefficient)
#> [1] -8006.358

# Adjust the 3-dams data, adding reservoirs with missing info
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>    year enSource   cap_MW  gen_MU     af type      
#>   <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>     
#> 1  2019 Biomass      134.    86.5 0.0736 biomass   
#> 2  2019 Hydro       4665. 14327.  0.351  hydro     
#> 3  2019 Net_Import  4133. 20562.  0.568  net_import
#> 4  2019 Solar       7038  11524.  0.216  solar     
#> 5  2019 Thermal    10379. 16578.  0.182  thermal   
#> 6  2019 Wind        4778.  8528.  0.204  wind
ii <- grepl("Hydro", gen_cap$enSource)
#>    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
#> logical       5       1
#> [1] 14327.19
#> [1] 9773.639
(hyd_adj <- gen_cap$gen_MU[ii] / sum(w_hyd$INFLOW_MU)) # Adjusting Coefficient
#> [1] 1.465901

# Hydro   weather class repository 
WHYD_AF <- newWeather("WHYD_AF",
  desc = "Exogenous hydro energy inflow",
  region = "KA",
  timeframe = "YDAY",
  weather = data.frame(
    region = "KA",
    # year = 2010,
    slice = w_hyd$slice,
    wval = w_hyd$INFLOW_MU * hyd_adj # assumption

Generating technologies


#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>    year enSource   cap_MW  gen_MU     af type      
#>   <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>     
#> 1  2019 Biomass      134.    86.5 0.0736 biomass   
#> 2  2019 Hydro       4665. 14327.  0.351  hydro     
#> 3  2019 Net_Import  4133. 20562.  0.568  net_import
#> 4  2019 Solar       7038  11524.  0.216  solar     
#> 5  2019 Thermal    10379. 16578.  0.182  thermal   
#> 6  2019 Wind        4778.  8528.  0.204  wind
ii <- grepl("Thermal", gen_cap$enSource)
#>    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
#> logical       5       1
ECOA <- newTechnology(
  name = "ECOA",
  desc = "Generic Coal-fired power plant, base year",
  # region = ppb$region[ii],
  input = list(
    comm = "COA",
    unit = "GWh",
    combustion = 1
  output = list(
    comm = "ELC",
    unit = "GWh"
  cap2act = 24 * 365,
  ceff = list(
    comm = c("COA"),
    cinp2use = c(.35)
  af = list(
    af.lo = .2, # aggregated lower bound
    rampup = 48, # hours, cold start from 0 to 100, assumption
    rampdown = 48 # assumption
  afs = list(
    slice = "ANNUAL",
    afs.up = .6, # assumption
    afs.lo = .2 # assumption
  fixom = list(
    # fixom = .05 * 800 # 5% a year of invcost (800 USD/kW)
    fixom = convert("MUSD/MW", "MUSD/GW", 11.7 * INR_Lakh_2_MUSD)
  varom = list(
    # varom = 0.01 # USD/kWh - assumption
    # convert("USD/kWh", "MUSD/GWh", 1)
    varom = convert("USD/kWh", "MUSD/GWh", 0.6 * INR_2_USD) 
  invcost = list(
    invcost = convert("MUSD/MW", "MUSD/GW", 8.02 * INR_Crore_2_MUSD)
  capacity = data.frame(
    region = "KA",
    year = c(rep(baseYear, sum(ii)), rep(2040, sum(ii))),
    stock = c(gen_cap$cap_MW[ii] / 1e3, 0.7 * gen_cap$cap_MW[ii] / 1e3) # assumption
  end = list(
    end = 2010
  olife = list(
    olife = 25
  timeframe = "HOUR"


ii <- grepl("Hydro", gen_cap$enSource)
stopifnot(sum(ii) == 1) # check
EHYD <- newTechnology(
  name = "EHYD",
  desc = "Hydro power plants",
  # region = ppb$region[ii],
  region = "KA",
  input = list(
    comm = "HYD",
    unit = "GWh",
    combustion = 0
  output = list(
    comm = "ELC",
    unit = "GWh"
  # aux = list(acomm = "DAM"),
  cap2act = 24 * 365,
  # ceff = list(
  #   comm = c("HYD"),
  #   cinp2use = c(1)
  # ),
  # aeff = data.frame(
  #   acomm = "DAM",
  #   comm = "HYD",
  #   cinp2ainp  = 1
  # ),
  af = list(
    af.lo = .1, # aggregated lower bound
    # rampup = 4, # hours, cold start from 0 to 100, assumption
    rampdown = 8 # assumption
  # af = list(
  #   # region = ppb$region[ii],
  #   # slice = ,
  #   af.fx = ppb$af[ii]
  # ),
  fixom = list(
    fixom = convert("MUSD/MW", "MUSD/GW", 20 * INR_Lakh_2_MUSD)
  # varom = list(
  #   varom =
  # ),
  invcost = list(
    # year = 2010,
    invcost = convert("MUSD/MW", "MUSD/GW", 8.02 * INR_Crore_2_MUSD)
  capacity = data.frame(
    region = "KA",
    year = c(rep(baseYear, sum(ii)), rep(2060, sum(ii))),
    stock = c(gen_cap$cap_MW[ii] / 1e3, gen_cap$cap_MW[ii] / 1e3)
  # start = list(
  #   start = 2060
  # ),
  end = list(
    end = 2010
  olife = list(
    olife = 40
  timeframe = "HOUR"


ii <- grepl("Solar", gen_cap$enSource)
stopifnot(sum(ii) == 1) # check
ESOL <- newTechnology(
  name = "ESOL",
  desc = "Utility Scale Solar PV",
  # region = "AZ",
  input = list(
    comm = "SOL",
    unit = "GWh"
  output = list(
    comm = "ELC",
    unit = "GWh"
  cap2act = 365 * 24,
  af = list(
    af.fx = 1 # forcing output when resource is available
  weather = list(
    weather = "WSOL",
    waf.fx = 1 # weather factor (multiplier) will be applied to af.fx
  fixom = list(
    # fixom = 10 # assumed, 1% of investment costs a year
    fixom = convert("MUSD/MW", "MUSD/GW", 4.5 * INR_Lakh_2_MUSD)
  invcost = list(
    # Assuming 1$/Watt
    # invcost = 1000 # convert("USD/W", "MUSD/GW", 1)
     invcost = convert("MUSD/MW", "MUSD/GW", 3.4 * INR_Crore_2_MUSD)
capacity = data.frame(
    region = "KA",
    year = c(rep(baseYear, sum(ii)), 
             rep(2040, sum(ii)),
             rep(2050, sum(ii))),
    stock = c(gen_cap$cap_MW[ii] / 1e3, 
              0.8 * gen_cap$cap_MW[ii] / 1e3,
              0 * gen_cap$cap_MW[ii])
  # start = list(
  #   start = 2017
  # ),
  # end = list(end = 2000),
  olife = list(
    olife = 25

# bulk solar resource
sol_max_GW <- ideea_data$karnataka$solar_max_GW
# Limits on solar total capacity
CSOL_UP <- newConstraintS(
  name = "CSOL_UP",
  eq = "<=",
  type = "capacity",
  for.each = data.frame(
    year = NA,
    tech = "ESOL",
    region = "KA"
    # region = reg_area$region
  rhs = data.frame(
    # year = modYears,
    tech = "ESOL",
    region = sol_max_GW$region,
    # up to 2% of territory per region
    rhs = 0.02 * round(sol_max_GW$max_GW, 1e-20) 
  defVal = 1e-20 # to avoid dropping zeros in some solvers


ii <- grepl("Wind", gen_cap$enSource)
#>    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
#> logical       5       1
EWIN <- newTechnology(
  name = "EWIN",
  desc = "Onshore wind farm",
  # WIN10_AF@region, # Limiting to regions with available resource
  input = list(
    comm = "WIN",
    unit = "GWh",
    combustion = 0
  output = list(
    comm = "ELC",
    unit = "GWh"
  cap2act = 365 * 24,
  af = list(
    af.fx = 1 # forcing output when resource is available
  weather = list(
    weather = "WWIN", # assumption
    waf.fx = c(1)
    # waf.up = c(1) #
  fixom = list(
    # fixom = 15 # Assumed, 1% a year
    fixom = convert("MUSD/MW", "MUSD/GW", 8 * INR_Lakh_2_MUSD)
  invcost = list(
    # Assuming 1.5$/Watt
    # invcost = 1500 #
    invcost = convert("MUSD/MW", "MUSD/GW", 6 * INR_Crore_2_MUSD)
  capacity = data.frame(
    region = "KA",
    year = c(rep(baseYear, sum(ii)), 
             rep(2040, sum(ii)),
             rep(2050, sum(ii))),
    stock = c(gen_cap$cap_MW[ii] / 1e3, 
              0.8 * gen_cap$cap_MW[ii] / 1e3,
              0 * gen_cap$cap_MW[ii])
  # start = list(
  #   start = 2017
  # ),
  end = list(end = 2000),
  olife = list(
    olife = 25

EWIN_120m <- newRepository("EWIN_120m")
for (i in 1:length(WWIN_120m@data)) {
  wName <- WWIN_120m@data[[i]]@name
  tName <- gsub("WWIN_", "EWIN_", wName)
  EWIN_i <- newTechnology(
    name = tName,
    desc = "Utility Scale Solar PV",
    # region = "AZ",
    input = list(
      comm = "SOL",
      unit = "GWh"
    output = list(
      comm = "ELC",
      unit = "GWh"
    cap2act = 365 * 24,
    af = list(
      af.fx = 1 # forcing output when resource is available
    weather = list(
      weather = wName,
      waf.fx = 1 # weather factor (multiplier) will be applied to af.fx
    # fixom = list(
    #   fixom = 10 # assumed, 1% of investment costs a year
    # ),
    invcost = list(
      # Assuming 1$/Watt
      invcost = 1000 # convert("USD/W", "MUSD/GW", 1)
    # start = list(
    #   start = 2017
    # ),
    # end = list(end = 2030),
    olife = list(
      olife = 25
  EWIN_120m <- add(EWIN_120m, EWIN_i)
  # draw(EWIN)

# estimated bulk wind resource
win_max_GW <- ideea_data$karnataka$wind_max_GW
# Limits on wind total capacity
CWIN_UP <- newConstraintS(
  name = "CWIN_UP",
  eq = "<=",
  type = "capacity",
  for.each = data.frame(
    year = NA,
    tech = paste0("EWIN_", win_max_GW$af120m_class),
    region = win_max_GW$region
  rhs = data.frame(
    year = NA,
    tech = paste0("EWIN_", win_max_GW$af120m_class),
    region = win_max_GW$region,
    rhs = 0.1 * round(win_max_GW$max_GW, 1e-20) # up to 10% of territory per region
  defVal = 1e-20 # to avoid dropping zeros in some solvers


ELC <- newCommodity("ELC", timeframe = "HOUR")
CO2 <- newCommodity("CO2", timeframe = "ANNUAL")
SOL <- newCommodity("SOL", timeframe = "ANNUAL")
WIN <- newCommodity("WIN", timeframe = "ANNUAL")
WIF <- newCommodity("WIF", timeframe = "ANNUAL")

UHV <- newCommodity(
  name = "UHV",
  desc = "Ultra High Voltage electricity",
  timeframe = "HOUR"

COA <- newCommodity(
  name = "COA",
  desc = "All coals",
  # emis = list( #
  #   comm = "CO2", #
  #   unit = "kt/GWh", #
  #   mean = convert("kt/PJ", "kt/GWh", 100) #
  # ),
  timeframe = "ANNUAL"

GAS <- newCommodity(
  name = "GAS",
  desc = "Natural gas",
  timeframe = "ANNUAL"

BIO <- newCommodity(
  name = "BIO",
  desc = "Biomass",
  timeframe = "ANNUAL"

HYD <- newCommodity(
  name = "HYD",
  desc = "Hydro energy",
  timeframe = "YDAY"

# DAM <- newCommodity(
#   name = 'DAM',
#   desc = "Hydro energy from Dam", # Auxiliary/artificial
#   timeframe = "YDAY")

NUC <- newCommodity(
  name = "NUC",
  desc = "Nuclear energy",
  timeframe = "ANNUAL"


dem_baseYear <- ideea_data$karnataka$load_curve |>
  filter(year == baseYear)

# projected demand growth
dem_last_year <- dem_baseYear %>%
    year = 2070, 
    MWh = 5 * MWh) # assume 5X growth from 2019 to 2070
dem_modYear <- bind_rows(dem_baseYear, dem_last_year)

#Demand class repository 
DEM_ELC_DH <- newDemand(
  name = "DEM_ELC_DH",
  desc = "Demand by hours and year-days, full year",
  commodity = "ELC",
  unit = "GWh",
  dem = data.frame(
    year = dem_modYear$year,
    region = "KA",
    slice = dem_modYear$slice,
    dem = round(dem_modYear$MWh / 1e3, 3)

# Check
#> [1] 17472     4
dim(DEM_ELC_DH@dem)[1] / 365 / 24
#> [1] 1.994521

# DEM_ELC_DH@dem[$dem), ] # check for missing values


RES_SOL <- newSupply(
  name = "RES_SOL",
  desc = "Terrestrial solar radiation",
  commodity = "SOL",
  unit = "GWh"
  # slice = "ANNUAL"

RES_WIN <- newSupply(
  name = "RES_WIN",
  desc = "Onshore wind",
  commodity = "WIN",
  # region = unique(wnd_af10$region),
  unit = "GWh"
  # slice = "ANNUAL"

# RES_WFF <- newSupply(
#   name = "RES_WFF",
#   desc = "Offshore wind - maximum potential",
#   commodity = "WFF",
#   region = unique(wndf_af10$region),
#   unit = "GWh",
#   slice = "ANNUAL"
# )

RES_HYD <- newSupply(
  name = "RES_HYD",
  desc = "Hydro-resource",
  commodity = "HYD",
  # slice = "YDAY",
  weather = data.frame(
    weather = "WHYD_AF",
    wava.fx = 1
  availability = list(ava.fx = 1)

SUPNUC <- newSupply(
  name = "SUPNUC",
  commodity = "NUC",
  unit = "GWh",
  availability = list(
    # ava.up = convert("GWh", "PJ", 20*24*365),
    cost = convert("USD/kWh", "MUSD/GWh", .39 / 100)
  # slice = "ANNUAL"

SUPCOA <- newSupply(
  name = "SUPCOA",
  commodity = "COA",
  desc = "Simplified coal supply",
  availability = list(
    # cost = convert("USD/tce", "MUSD/GWh", 70 / .7)
    cost = convert("USD/tce", "MUSD/GWh", 6000 * INR_2_USD / 0.7) # 0.7 tone -> tce
  # slice = "ANNUAL"

# 1,000 Cubic Feet Of Natural Gas to Therms (u.s.) = 10.0024
# 4 USD/cu.ft ~= 0.4 USD/therm
SUPGAS <- newSupply(
  name = "SUPGAS",
  desc = "Simplified gas supply",
  commodity = "GAS",
  availability = list(
    cost = convert("USD/therm", "MUSD/GWh", 0.5)
  # slice = "ANNUAL"

SUPOIL <- newSupply(
  name = "SUPOIL",
  desc = "Simplified oil supply",
  commodity = "OIL",
  availability = list(
    cost = convert("USD/therm", "MUSD/GWh", 0.5)
  # slice = "ANNUAL"

SUPBIO <- newSupply(
  name = "SUPBIO",
  desc = "Simplified Biomass supply",
  commodity = "BIO",
  availability = list(
    cost = convert("USD/therm", "MUSD/GWh", 0.4) # assumption
  # slice = "ANNUAL"

Energy storage

Hydro reservoirs

generation_hourly <- ideea_data$karnataka$generation_hourly
# w_hyd
# summary(w_hyd$DISCHARGE_MU)
# summary(w_hyd$INFLOW_MU)
# summary(w_hyd$EQENERGY_MU)
# sum(w_hyd$DISCHARGE_MU)
# sum(w_hyd$INFLOW_MU)
# sum(w_hyd$EQENERGY_MU)
# ii <- grepl("(d001)|(d365)", w_hyd$slice)
# sum(ii)
# w_hyd[ii, ]
STGHYD_dat <- tibble(
  stock = max(abs(w_hyd$EQENERGY_MU)),
  cout.up = -min(w_hyd$DISCHARGE_MU) / stock * 365 # annual generation per GW of storage capacity
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   stock cout.up
#>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 8424.    10.1

ii <- grepl("(d001)", w_hyd$slice)
#> [1] 1
STGHYD <- newStorage(
  name = "STGHYD",
  commodity = "HYD",
  desc = "Hydro reservoirs",
  cap2stg = 1, #
  # aux = list(acomm = "DAM"),
  olife = list(olife = 25),
  # invcost = list(
  #   # See IRENA 2030 (from 77 to 574, p.77)
  #   invcost = convert("USD/kWh", "MUSD/GWh", 200)
  #   ),
  af = data.frame(
    # inpeff = .99, # assumed efficiency of charging
    # stgeff = .99, # assumed efficiency of storing energy (annual)
    # outeff = .99, # discharge efficiency
    cout.up = STGHYD_dat$cout.up * hyd_adj
    # cout.up = 12.1
  # aeff = data.frame(
  #   acomm = "DAM",
  #   out2aout = 1
  # ),
  capacity = data.frame(
    region = "KA",
    # year = modYears,
    stock = STGHYD_dat$stock * hyd_adj
    # slice = w_hyd$slice[ii],
    # charge = w_hyd$EQENERGY_MU[ii]
  end = list(end = 2010)

# WHYD_AF1@weather$wval[1] <- w_hyd$EQENERGY_MU[ii]

CHYD2DAM <- newConstraint(
  name = "CHYD2DAM",
  eq = "==",
  for.each = list(
    # year = modYears,
    year = NA,
    region = "KA",
    slice = ideea_modules$calendars$calendar_d365_h24@timeframes$YDAY
  tr1 = list(
    variable = "vSupOut",
    for.sum = list(sup = "RES_HYD")
  tr2 = list(
    variable = "vStorageInp",
    for.sum = list(stg = "STGHYD"), mult = -1
  rhs = data.frame(
    # year = rep(modYears, each = length(timeslices365$YDAY)),
    year = NA,
    region = "KA",
    slice = ideea_modules$calendars$calendar_d365_h24@timeframes$YDAY,
    # slice = rep(timeslices365$YDAY, length(modYears)),
    rhs = 1e-20
  defVal = 1e-20

CDAM2EHYD <- newConstraint(
  name = "CDAM2EHYD",
  eq = "==",
  for.each = list(
    # year = modYears,
    year = NA,
    region = "KA"
    # slice = timeslices365$YDAY
  tr1 = list(
    variable = "vStorageOut",
    for.sum = list(stg = "STGHYD",
  tr2 = list(
    variable = "vTechInp",
    for.sum = list(tech = "EHYD",
    mult = -1
  rhs = data.frame(
    # year = rep(modYears, each = length(timeslices365$YDAY)),
    # year = modYears,
    year = NA,
    region = "KA",
    # slice = rep(timeslices365$YDAY, length(modYears)),
    rhs = 1e-20
  defVal = 1e-20

CHYDLEV <- newConstraint(
  name = "CHYDLEV",
  for.each = data.frame(
    # year = modYears,
    year = NA,
    region = "KA",
    slice = ideea_modules$calendars$calendar_d365_h24@timeframes$YDAY
  vrb = list(
    variable = 'vStorageStore',
    for.sum = list(stg = 'STGHYD')),
  eq = ">=",
  rhs = data.frame(
    # year = modYears,
    year = NA,
    region = "KA",
    slice = ideea_modules$calendars$calendar_d365_h24@timeframes$YDAY,
    rhs = min(w_hyd$EQENERGY_MU)
  defVal = 1e-20


STGBTR <- newStorage(
  name = "STGBTR",
  commodity = "ELC",
  desc = "Generic grid-integrated intraday storage (battery)",
  cap2stg = 1, #
  olife = list(olife = 25),
  end = list(end = baseYear),
  invcost = list(
    # See IRENA 2030 (from 77 to 574, p.77)
    invcost = convert("USD/kWh", "MUSD/GWh", 300)
  seff = data.frame(
    inpeff = 0.8 # assumed efficiency of charging
    # stgeff = 0.9 # assumed efficiency of storing energy (annual)
    # outeff = 1 # discharge efficiency
# STGBTR@varom


(interregional export/import, exogenous)

EIMP1 <- newImport(
  name = "EIMP",
  desc = "Demand curtailments, electricity import at high price (to identify needs for back-up techs such as biomass)",
  commodity = "ELC",
  imp = list(
    price = convert("USD/kWh", "MUSD/GWh", 1) # USD per kWh, marginal price

EIMP01@imp$price <- .1 * EIMP1@imp$price

EIMP10@imp$price <- 10 * EIMP1@imp$price

#> [1] "Biomass"    "Hydro"      "Net_Import" "Solar"      "Thermal"   
#> [6] "Wind"
#> [1] "biomass" "export"  "hydro"   "import"  "solar"   "thermal" "wind"
ii <- year(generation_hourly$date) %in% baseYear &
  grepl("(ex|im)port", generation_hourly$type, = T)
unique(generation_hourly[ii, ]$type)
#> [1] "export" "import"
generation_hourly[ii, ]
#>                       date  hour   type      GWh
#>                     <POSc> <int> <char>    <num>
#>     1: 2019-01-01 00:00:00     1 export -1.39000
#>     2: 2019-01-01 00:00:00     1 import  3.46824
#>     3: 2019-01-01 01:00:00     2 export -1.38100
#>     4: 2019-01-01 01:00:00     2 import  3.38224
#>     5: 2019-01-01 02:00:00     3 export -1.42700
#>    ---                                          
#> 17516: 2019-12-31 21:00:00    22 import  4.11719
#> 17517: 2019-12-31 22:00:00    23 export -1.71200
#> 17518: 2019-12-31 22:00:00    23 import  3.99319
#> 17519: 2019-12-31 23:00:00    24 export -1.73500
#> 17520: 2019-12-31 23:00:00    24 import  3.83219

trade <- generation_hourly[ii, ] %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = GWh) %>%
  mutate(slice = dtm2tsl(date), .before = hour)

IMPORT <- newImport(
  name = "IMPORT",
  commodity = "ELC",
  imp = data.frame(
    slice = trade$slice,
    imp.fx = trade$import
#> [1] 8760    7

EXPORT <- newExport(
  name = "EXPORT",
  commodity = "ELC",
  exp = data.frame(
    slice = trade$slice, 
    exp.fx = -trade$export
#> [1] 8760    7

Additional constraints

# No new capacity
CNCAP0 <- newConstraint(
  name = "CNCAP0",
  eq = "==",
  # for.each = data.frame(
  #   # year = modYears,
  #   # tech = "ESOL",
  #   region = "KA"
  # ),
  tr1 = list(
    variable = "vTechNewCap"
    # for.sum = list(sup = "RES_HYD")
  rhs = data.frame(
    rhs = 1e-100
  defVal = 1e-100

The model

# Repository with all the data-objects
reps <- newRepository(
  name = "main_repository",
  # Commodities
  # Resources (supply)
  # Weather factors
  # Generating technologies
  # EWIN,
  # ESOL_repo@data[[1]],
  # EWIN_repo@data[[1]],
  # Storage
  # Exogenous interregional trade
  # Hydro dam operation constraints
  # demand
  # curtailing demand in case of high marginal costs

#>  commodity constraint     demand     export     import    storage     supply 
#>          6          3          1          1          2          2          4 
#> technology    weather 
#>          8          7
#>  [1] "ELC"        "SOL"        "WIN"        "HYD"        "COA"       
#>  [6] "CO2"        "RES_SOL"    "RES_WIN"    "RES_HYD"    "SUPCOA"    
#> [11] "WHYD_AF"    "WSOL"       "WWIN_AF20"  "WWIN_AF25"  "WWIN_AF15" 
#> [16] "WWIN_AF30"  "WWIN_AF35"  "ESOL"       "EWIN_AF20"  "EWIN_AF25" 
#> [21] "EWIN_AF15"  "EWIN_AF30"  "EWIN_AF35"  "EHYD"       "ECOA"      
#> [26] "STGHYD"     "STGBTR"     "CHYDLEV"    "IMPORT"     "EXPORT"    

full_calendar_d365_h24 <- IDEEA::ideea_modules$calendars$calendar_d365_h24

# model-class object
mod <- newModel(
  name = "KA",
  desc = "Karnataka electricity model",
  ## in case of infeasibility, `dummy` variables can be added
  # debug = data.frame(#comm = "ELC",
  #                    dummyImport = 1e6,
  #                    dummyExport = 1e6),
  region = "KA",
  discount = 0.05,
  calendar = full_calendar_d365_h24,
  horizon = newHorizon(period = baseYear:2070, 
                       intervals = c(1, 3, rep(5, 8)), 
                       mid_is_end = TRUE),
  data = reps

# check model horizon
# getHorizon(mod)

# (optional) the model info
{mod@desc <- "
Karnataka power sector, renewables balancing version,
1 region, 1 hour resolution,
3 types of renewables, 
2 types of storages."}


Base-year check

# set_progress_bar("progress")
# 1. Interpolation of parameters
# scen_KA_1Y <- interpolate_model(mod, name = "scen_KA_1Y", desc = "")
horizon_BY <- newHorizon(period = baseYear, intervals = 1)
# getHorizon(mod)
scen_KA_1Y <- interpolate(mod, name = "scen_KA_1Y", CNCAP0, horizon_BY)
# scen_KA_1Y@path

scen_KA_1Y <- write_script(
  solver = solver_options$julia_highs
  # solver = solver_options$gams_gdx_cplex_parallel
# scen_KA_1Y@misc$tmp.dir
scen_KA_1Y <- solve_scenario(scen_KA_1Y, wait = T)
scen_KA_1Y <- read(scen_KA_1Y)
# save Karnataka model to IDEEA repository
